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Climate Advisor

Professor LEUNG Wing-mo
Professor Leung sharing his insight of climate change with a group of primary school students, April 2023
Professor Leung is a retired Assistant Director of the Hong Kong Observatory. His duties then include weather forecasting, climatology, training and environmental radiation monitoring, amongst others. He was a member of various expert groups and commissions of the World Meteorological Organization of the United Nations, including the Commission for Climatology, Commission for Hydrology, and Expert Group on Climate and Health. He was also the first professional meteorologist to host TV weather programmes in Hong Kong.
Prof Leung is currently the spokesperson of the Hong Kong Meteorological Society, and adjunct professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He teaches climate change related subjects and holds advisory positions in various tertiary educational institutes in Hong Kong.
Prof Leung is actively involved in environmental issues in Hong Kong. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the environmental groups “The Green Earth” and “Conservation E3 Foundation” (CE3). He was appointed to various advisory bodies of the government, including the Council for Sustainable Development, and helped formulate the long-term decarbonization strategy in Hong Kong.
From 2018 – 2023, he was the host of some 400 episodes of the popular science TV programme “MObservatory” (武測天) . Prof Leung also hosted in several weather/climate change documentaries in Hong Kong, including ”Salvaging 16 degree Celcius” (救亡16度), “The Sinking Nations” (沉沒的國度), and “Meteorological Series IV” (氣象萬千IV).