On 17 Dec 2024, our Founding Vice Chairman, Dr Mike Hui, representing ICSD, delivered an ESG talk to Hong Kong Baptist Hospital and around 50 participants, including the management, doctors and ...On 17 Dec 2024, our Founding Vice Chairman, Dr Mike Hui, representing ICSD, delivered an ESG talk to Hong Kong Baptist Hospital and around 50 participants, including the management, doctors and nurses attended
On 17 Dec 2024, our Founding Vice Chairman, Dr Mike Hui, representing ICSD, delivered an ESG talk to Hong Kong Baptist Hospital and around 50 participants, including the management, doctors and nurses attended
ICSD sponsored 150 children and their family members to attend the Benji's Centre (庭恩兒童中心) Christmas Party held on 14 December 2024Updated: Jan 28ICSD sponsored 150 children and their family members to attend the Benji's Centre (庭恩兒童中心) Christmas Party held on 14 December 2024To learn more about Benji's Centre and their incredible work, please visit their website: https://www.benjiscentre.org.hk/
ICSD sponsored 150 children and their family members to attend the Benji's Centre (庭恩兒童中心) Christmas Party held on 14 December 2024To learn more about Benji's Centre and their incredible work, please visit their website: https://www.benjiscentre.org.hk/
ICSD donated 200 copies of our ESG book to over 70 secondary schools via Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools CouncilUpdated: Dec 16, 2024ICSD donated 200 copies of our ESG book to over 70 secondary schools via Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council
ICSD donated 200 copies of our ESG book to over 70 secondary schools via Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council