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隨著中國城市化進程的加速和城市規模的擴大,城市可持續發展已成為全球關注的焦點。 ESG(環境、社會和治理)與無廢城市建設作為城市可持續發展的兩大重要理念和實踐,它們之間存在著深刻的內在聯繫和共同目標。


首先,ESG與無廢城市建設在環境保護方面有著緊密的關聯。 ESG的核心之一就是環境,強調企業在經營過程中對環境的影響和貢獻。 無廢城市建設則致力於減少城市廢棄物的產生和排放,通過廢棄物的資源化利用和能源回收,實現城市環境的改善和保護。 兩者都旨在提升環境品質,為城市居民創造更宜居的生活環境。


其次,ESG與無廢城市建設在社會責任方面有著共同的要求。 ESG強調企業在追求經濟利益的同時,要承擔社會責任,關注員工權益、社區發展、消費者保護等社會問題。 無廢城市建設同樣要求企業和城市在履行社會責任的基礎上,通過廢棄物的減量化、資源化和無害化,為社會的可持續發展做出貢獻。 兩者都強調社會責任的履行,要求企業和城市在追求發展的同時,關注社會和環境的影響。


此外,ESG與無廢城市建設都需要創新發展的推動。 ESG要求企業在環境管理和社會責任方面進行創新,通過引入新技術、新產品和新服務,實現企業的可持續發展。 無廢城市建設則需要通過創新技術和管理模式,推進廢棄物的資源化和能源回收,實現城市廢棄物的減量化、資源化和無害化。 兩者都需要通過創新發展,為城市和企業的可持續發展提供新的動力。


綜上所述,ESG與無廢城市建設在環境保護、社會責任和創新發展等方面具有共同的目標和要求。 它們可以相互借鑒、互相促進,共同推動城市和企業的可持續發展。 未來,我們應該加強ESG與無廢城市建設的結合,通過政策引導、技術創新和社會參與等多種方式,實現城市廢棄物的有效管理和資源利用,為城市可持續發展注入新的活力。

Author: 周欣先生 - 碳市場能力建設(大灣區)服務中心, Certified ESG Planner - ICSD 國際可持續發展協進會

Environmental design and sustainable manufacturing are crucial for paving a green path for future generations. The concept of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) emphasizes that companies should base their operations on environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and good governance, ensuring long-term value and sustainable development. Promoting this mindset positively impacts the next generation.  Hence I would like to share my thought below on how environmental design, 3D printing technology, and the concept of upcycling can come across each and help create and contribute a greener and more sustainable world.


Principles of Environmental Design:

1.      Reducing Resource Consumption:

  • Consider environmental impact during the product design phase to optimize design and reduce resource usage during 3D printing.

  • Select environmentally friendly or recyclable printing materials if plastics is required, such as ABS, PLA, PETG etc.

2.      Minimizing Waste Generation:

  • Design products with their lifecycle in mind, ensuring they are easy to recycle and reuse, which could be applicable on 3D printed furniture and trade show booth.

3.      Eco-friendly Manufacturing Methods:

  • Adopt energy-efficient processes and equipment to lower energy consumption during manufacturing, such as addictive manufacturing.

  • Implement green supply chain management, focusing on environmental protection from raw material procurement to production and sales (Imagine you only create the product on-demand by utilising the 3D printing speed!).


Applications of 3D Printing Technology:

1.      Customized Production:

  • 3D printing enables customized production based on demand, reducing excess inventory and waste.

  • Precisely control material usage, adding material only where necessary, thereby minimizing resource waste.

2.      Use of Sustainable Materials:

  • Use biodegradable plastics or recyclable metals, reducing dependence on limited resources.

3.      Energy Savings:

  • Compared to traditional cutting and machining processes, 3D printing significantly reduces energy consumption.

  • Optimize printing parameters and layering processes to further enhance energy efficiency.

Upcycling in 3D Printing:

The concept of upcycling- repurposing waste materials into new, higher-value products—can be seamlessly integrated with 3D printing to enhance sustainability efforts. Here’s how:

1.      Material Reclamation:

  • Collect plastic waste, such as discarded 3D printed furniture, and melt them back into 3D printing filament.

2.      Design Innovation:

  • Utilize upcycled materials to create new products that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing or even transform into a bespoke art

  • Encourage designers to innovate with upcycled materials, fostering a culture of creativity and sustainability.

3.      Circular Economy:

  • Promote a circular economy by designing 3D printed products that can be easily disassembled and recycled into new filament or components.

  • Implement take-back programs where consumers can return used 3D printed items for recycling and upcycling.

4.      Community Engagement:

  • Collaborate with schools and universities to incorporate upcycling and 3D printing into their curriculum, inspiring the next generation of innovators.


By combining the three key pillars - environmental sustainability, innovative drive, and social value - I believe the "Recyclable 3D Printed Capsule Booth" proposal will have a positive impact on the next generation:

  • Health and Quality of Life:

  • Reduce environmental pollution and resource waste, improving overall living environment quality.

  • Enhance daily life health and comfort through environmentally designed and upcycled products.


Case Study: Recent ESG Issues and Their Association

By considering the recent situation of the fashion industry’s environmental impact, some FMCG companies have faced significant backlash due to their unsustainable practices, which include excessive water usage, chemical pollution, and massive production waste. Hence they are starting to explore how addictive manufacturing could be adopted in their value or even supply chains

One prominent example is Adidas' partnership with Parley for the use of Oceans Plastic, in which Adidas has been using 3D printing to produce shoe parts made from recycled ocean plastic waste. This not only diverts plastic pollution from the environment but also reduces the need for virgin plastic materials. Recently, Adidas has announced that 96% of polyester used in its products is now recycled polyester and sets sights on early achievement of 2024 commitment – to replace all virgin polyester with recycled.



To wrap up, Design technology, 3D printing, and upcycling play crucial roles in promoting environmental design and sustainable manufacturing. These technologies help reduce resource consumption and environmental pollution, ultimately creating a greener and more sustainable future for the next generation.

Author: Mr. Daric Li (Email:, Certified ESG Planner, ICSD

When we think about the frontline battles against climate change, operating rooms are seldom on the list. Yet, a lesser-known but significant contributor lurks within the medical practices we rely on for safety and healing: anesthetic gases. Anesthesia, critical for performing pain-free surgeries, has a hidden environmental cost that is drawing increasing concern among environmental scientists and healthcare professionals alike.

Anesthesia is an indispensable part of surgical procedures, rendering patients unconscious and insensitive to pain. It's administered in two main forms: inhalational, which includes gases and volatile liquids, and intravenous. The inhalational anesthetics, such as nitrous oxide, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane, are particularly potent as greenhouse gases (GHGs).

Unveiling the Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of these gases is alarming. For instance, desflurane, one of the most commonly used anesthetic gases, has a global warming potential (GWP) 2,500 times greater than carbon dioxide over a 100-year period. Nitrous oxide, another commonly used gas, not only has a GWP 298 times that of CO2 but also contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer. These gases escape into the atmosphere primarily through exhalation by patients and are vented out of facilities, mostly unchanged.

A typical mid-size hospital's use of desflurane, for example, contributes as much to climate change as the CO2 emissions from 1,200 cars annually. When we consider that millions of surgeries occur globally each year, the scale of these emissions becomes staggering.

Not only the ‘E’ aspect, the social implications, particularly on healthcare worker safety, are equally critical yet less discussed. In the United States alone, it's estimated that over 250,000 healthcare professionals are at risk of exposure to waste anesthetic gases (WAGs), with N2O being a primary component. These exposures not only threaten worker health but also reflect broader systemic issues within healthcare facilities related to workplace safety standards and environmental health practices.

Current Practices and Their Limitations

Current medical practices often prioritize efficacy and patient safety over environmental concerns, leading to the prevalent use of these high-GWP anesthetic gases. The Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) serves as a compelling example of how targeted efforts can significantly reduce the use of these gases. Over a five-year period, the hospital managed to reduce its use of desflurane by over 95%, cutting down its overall anesthetic gas emissions by approximately 88%. These efforts also resulted in a significant cost reduction, underscoring the financial benefits of sustainable practices. While safety should never be compromised, the environmental costs of such practices are now urging a reevaluation.

Exploring Sustainable Alternatives

Fortunately, there are sustainable alternatives and strategies that can minimize the environmental footprint of anesthetic practices:

1. Low-flow Anesthesia Techniques: By minimizing the flow rates of anesthetic gases, we can significantly reduce the quantity required for each surgery, thereby decreasing the emissions.


2. Anesthetic Gas Capture and Destruction: Emerging technologies are focusing on capturing these gases from patients' exhalation and either recycling them or safely destroying them. This technology, while still in developmental stages, promises a reduction in emissions.

3. Opting for Less Polluting Agents: Anesthesiologists can choose anesthetics with a lower GWP, such as isoflurane over desflurane, where clinically appropriate. Additionally, using intravenous anesthetics like propofol, which have no known environmental impact, can be an alternative in suitable cases.

4. Regulatory Actions and Guidelines: Healthcare systems and governments can develop and implement guidelines that promote the use of environmentally friendly anesthetic practices. Some countries have begun to recognize and address this issue through national health system policies.

The Role of Investment in Sustainable Healthcare

The transition to greener anesthetic practices also presents a unique opportunity for investors. By funding companies that are pioneering low-impact anesthetics or developing capture and recycling technologies, investors not only foster innovation in healthcare but also contribute to the broader goals of environmental sustainability. The growth potential for green technology in healthcare is substantial, as more facilities seek to reduce their carbon footprints.

In conclusion, while anesthetic gases play a crucial role in modern medicine, their environmental impact cannot be overlooked. By adopting new technologies, practices, and policies, we can mitigate their effects and help lead the way towards a more sustainable future in healthcare. Let us champion the cause where every breath taken in healing does not have to cost us the earth.


Sherman, J., Le, C., Lamers, V., & Eckelman, M. (2012). Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of anesthetic drugs. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 114(5), 1086-1090.


Gadani, H., & Vyas, A. (2011). Anesthetic gases and global warming: Potentials, prevention and future of anesthesia. Anesthesia Essays and Researches, 5(1), 5-10.


Alexander, R., Poznikoff, A., & Malherbe, S. (2018). Greenhouse gases: the choice of volatile anesthetic does matter. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie, 65, 221-222.

Author: Ms. Christine Huang, ESG Research Assistant of ICSD

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