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In today's fast-paced work environment, employee mental health is a growing concern. A recent study by the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions revealed that nearly 85% of young professionals experience workplace stress, leading to burnout, absenteeism, and even thoughts of quitting (Ref. 1). This highlights the urgent need for companies to prioritize staff wellness and implement innovative solutions to address these challenges.

One effective approach is to promote sports participation as a key component of staff wellness programs. Sports offer a multitude of benefits, including stress reduction, improved physical and mental health, and a sense of community. However, simply encouraging employees to exercise on their own may not be enough. Companies need to create a culture that actively promotes and supports sports participation. However a staggering number of young employees do not seek support when facing work-related stress or mental health issues, exacerbating the problem. (Ref. 2) This situation is further complicated by the fact that discussing mental health is often considered taboo in many workplaces, particularly in Hong Kong.

Caption: Survey showed that employees facing mental health risk do not want to be discussed at workplace due to stigma

Engaging with a Sports Social Enterprise for a Win-Win

An innovative way to achieve this is by partnering with a sports social enterprise (Ref. 3). These organizations combine social impact with business goals, creating opportunities for both employees and the community. For example, a company could collaborate with a sports social enterprise that employs ethnic minority youngsters as sports coaches. This partnership would not only provide staff with access to engaging sports activities but also contribute to the development of underprivileged youth. The social enterprise can further promotes sports education among grassroots children from ethnic minorities.

Integrating Social Impact and Achieving SDGs

This approach aligns perfectly with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). By supporting a sports social enterprise, companies can demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society. In this initiative, the company can support SDG 10 (Reduce inequalities) by using their service and also promote equal opportunities despite their races

Caption: The circular model of corporate engagement with a sports social enterprise

Measuring Success and Reporting Social Impact

To measure the impact of such initiatives, companies can track key performance indicators (KPIs) related to staff wellness, such as reduced absenteeism, improved employee engagement, and increased participation in sports activities. This data can be incorporated into ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reports, demonstrating the positive social impact of the program. In addition, the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) provides guidelines on reporting social KPIs, such as occupational health and safety measures (KPI B2.3) and community engagement initiatives (KPIs B8.1 & B8.2). By adhering to these guidelines, companies can demonstrate their dedication to employee wellness and social impact, enhancing their reputation and stakeholder trust.

Building a Culture of Wellness

Incorporating sports into staff wellness programs offers a multifaceted solution to the pressing issue of workplace mental health. By partnering with sports social enterprises, companies can not only improve their employees' well-being but also make a significant social impact, aligning with global sustainability goals. This innovative approach not only fosters a healthier, more engaged workforce but also strengthens the company's employer brand and contributes to a more sustainable and equitable society.

Key Takeaways:

  • Staff mental health is a critical concern in today's workplace.

  • Sports participation can be a powerful tool for improving staff wellness.

  • Partnering with a sports social enterprise offers a win-win solution, benefiting employees, the community, and the company's social impact.

  • Integrating sports initiatives into ESG reporting demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Caption: Even an easy group exercise at office can relieve stress and enhance social interaction among staff


1. 工聯青委︰近八成半青年初入職場感壓力 逾八成不想上班 促政府加大力度支援青年減壓


2. 青年協會 <提升青年精神健康助職場適應>研究簡報 p.28  (16 May 2024)

3. Inherited Sports, a Sports Social Enterprise


For a detailed visual presentation, please go to 


Author : Eva WM So, RSW, CEP® Social worker specialized in sustainable social innovation

隨著中國城市化進程的加速和城市規模的擴大,城市可持續發展已成為全球關注的焦點。 ESG(環境、社會和治理)與無廢城市建設作為城市可持續發展的兩大重要理念和實踐,它們之間存在著深刻的內在聯繫和共同目標。


首先,ESG與無廢城市建設在環境保護方面有著緊密的關聯。 ESG的核心之一就是環境,強調企業在經營過程中對環境的影響和貢獻。 無廢城市建設則致力於減少城市廢棄物的產生和排放,通過廢棄物的資源化利用和能源回收,實現城市環境的改善和保護。 兩者都旨在提升環境品質,為城市居民創造更宜居的生活環境。


其次,ESG與無廢城市建設在社會責任方面有著共同的要求。 ESG強調企業在追求經濟利益的同時,要承擔社會責任,關注員工權益、社區發展、消費者保護等社會問題。 無廢城市建設同樣要求企業和城市在履行社會責任的基礎上,通過廢棄物的減量化、資源化和無害化,為社會的可持續發展做出貢獻。 兩者都強調社會責任的履行,要求企業和城市在追求發展的同時,關注社會和環境的影響。


此外,ESG與無廢城市建設都需要創新發展的推動。 ESG要求企業在環境管理和社會責任方面進行創新,通過引入新技術、新產品和新服務,實現企業的可持續發展。 無廢城市建設則需要通過創新技術和管理模式,推進廢棄物的資源化和能源回收,實現城市廢棄物的減量化、資源化和無害化。 兩者都需要通過創新發展,為城市和企業的可持續發展提供新的動力。


綜上所述,ESG與無廢城市建設在環境保護、社會責任和創新發展等方面具有共同的目標和要求。 它們可以相互借鑒、互相促進,共同推動城市和企業的可持續發展。 未來,我們應該加強ESG與無廢城市建設的結合,通過政策引導、技術創新和社會參與等多種方式,實現城市廢棄物的有效管理和資源利用,為城市可持續發展注入新的活力。

Author: 周欣先生 - 碳市場能力建設(大灣區)服務中心, Certified ESG Planner - ICSD 國際可持續發展協進會

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